Advice to My Children, Chapter One

At some point in life, every father worries that he won’t be around to impart wisdom or, at the very list, a list of things he fucked up. From time to time, the idea of doing a video or writing a book bubbles up. So this is a bubble that I hope will take hold. Since we need to eat to live, it is as good a place as any to start.IMG_2428


The greatest truth is this; the food you choose to eat will either make you healthier or less healthy. You decide and live with the consequences.

The second truth is this; even if you have practiced shit diet habits (as in what you eat not a fad diet), and you aren’t dead yet, you can always turn it around.

Buy groceries no more than once a week. This keeps veggies fresh and keeps you from having Costco size snack boxes around.

Cokes and the like are freaking delicious. But two and you are hitting your entire calorie count for lunch. This does not even get into what it does for you blood sugar and whether or not your body burns the energy or converts it to fat. Go read the Four Hour Body to delve deeper down that path.

Drink a glass of Montepulciano red wine with or after dinner. Lotsa antioxidants and tastes great.

Stick to handmade olive oil and vinegar for salad dressing, no creamy crap. It defeats the purpose. For olive oil, have a decent one for cooking and then an expensive one for caprese salads and dipping with bread. Taste a few extra virgin ones with strong green color and see what you like.

Weights light and lotsa reps. Keep size down but improves heart health and caloric burn.

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